Coconuts Beach Resort - Upolu Island Samoa Recently Way to Australia and Beyond enjoyed the stunning Island of Upolu in Samoa and the warm hospitality of the Samoan people. Truly……. words cannot describe the wonderful experience of Samoa. The weather, the food, the ocean, unique nature and the delightful Samoan people. Way to Australia and Beyond spoke with Brian Rose The Director of Coconuts Beach Resort located in the South Eastern Corner of Uplou Island in the village ofLepa. Here's what Brian had to say. How did Coconuts Beach Resort come to be? Brian ….. Coconuts Beach Resort came to be when my father and step motherwere looking for paradise and looking to create a small hotel. They looked all over the world and went to many countries, however when they came to Samoa they said this is the place and went about establishing Coconuts Beach Resort.This was not easy thing to achieve as generally outsiders don't take on such projects in Samoa. How do you choose your staff …who by the way are all excellent? Our General Manger Leina is the lady who handles that for us. Leina is a local and generally we employ our staff from the local village or nearby to the village. Our process involves English and Maths skills and all important people skills. Fortunately Samoans have a good education system with many having studied in New Zealand and Australia and further abroad. We also conduct on going training onsite. Samoans are very happy people and want to please guests. What's in store over the next 5 years for Coconuts ? Actually we are going to keep going as we are and not increase the numbers of rooms. The spa was our last major project completed in February 2019.We aim to keep Coconuts just like it is. Why Samoa as a destination? I feel Samoa has a lot going for it. Many of our guests travel the world and give us feedback on how Samoa compares to other islands. One thing I hear is that Samoa is very clean and the culture. The culture is very traditional and very important to Samoans. They like to share their culture and it has not been changed much by Western influence. As Samoa is somewhat of a secret that's a good thing and Samoa is not crowded nor over commercialised. Way to Australia and Beyond highly recommends Coconuts Beach Resort, Samoa.
If you are seeking something truly special for your next holiday or adventure getaway, contact Way to Australia and Beyond to find out more about Samoa and Coconuts Beach Resort.